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2017 先进设计理念与实践研讨会

 地点:北京  发布时间:2017/5/16 13:08:58 字体大小:+
 会议开始时间:2017/10/13  会议结束时间:2017/10/15


ADCP workshop series offers a forum for presentation and discussion to bring advanced theories and technologies to the design and simulation of complex equipment and products, with a focus on computational design and evaluation methods and tools.

ADCP2017 will be held as a special track of the 2017 International Conference of Mechanical Design & the 19th Mechanical Design Annual Conference (ICMD 2017). The theme of ADCP2017 is Design inspired by Biology and Nature.


Topics include but not limited to:

Design process and algorithms inspired by biology and nature

Design for programmable behaviors and structures and DNA origami

Knowledge based engineering (KBE)

Design agents

Design grammar and design language

Design of intelligent systems

Design modeling of cyber physical systems

New generation design systems

E-MAIL: sheji@cmes.org

会议网站: http://www.chinamdi.org/ICMD/adcp.html

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